Improvise your way to better presentations

Do you want to feel more comfortable in front of an audience?

Do you want to be able to speak confidently at any place and any time?

Do you want to take your presentations to the next level?

If so, Improv Games for Presenters is for you!

In this innovative online course, you'll learn how to improve your presentations simply by playing some fun and easy improv games, similar to those you might have seen on "Whose Line Is It Anyway?"

How this course works for you

  • For 1+ Players

    Fun for one—or more. Half of the improv games in this course can be played alone, while the other half will benefit from having a partner to play them with. But they can all be played at home, whenever it's convenient for you.

  • Specifically Targeted

    While improv classes are fun in general, the games in this class are specifically targeted to make you a better presenter. From hundreds of possible games, we've selected the 15 most effective games for this particular application.

  • New Ideas

    This course will give you many new ideas about presentations, both generally, and for each specific presentation you apply these games to. After taking this course, your presentations will never be the same again!

Curriculum overview

  1. Welcome!

  2. You Are An Improviser!

  3. You've Got ... Skills!

  4. Solo Games

  5. Partnered Games

  6. Bonus: Just for Fun

About this course

  • $195.00
  • 51 lessons

Your Instructor

Nick Enge

Chief Research Officer

Nick Enge is a Lecturer at the University of Texas at Austin, where he teaches nonverbal communication in the form of social dance. He has two technical degrees from Stanford University, where he taught over 50 courses, and also has a background in theatre.